Brach Paris is more than just a hotel—it’s a cultural tapestry where you can immerse yourself in diverse influences through the very experience of your stay. If you appreciate that unique aesthetic where chaos meets order, where contrasts find harmony, and if you’re captivated by art, then you’ll want to keep reading.
My first encounter with Philippe Starck’s work was through Le Royal Monceau – Raffles Paris, where he designed a bathroom with bold, mirrored features—daring yet sophisticated. I haven’t had the chance to stay there yet, but his distinctive design style and unique artistic vision have captivated me ever since.
還記得第一次對Philippe Starck有印象,是他為Le Royal Monceau – Raffles Paris設計了一個運用大量鏡面設計的浴室,大膽卻時尚。即便我始終還沒有機會入住一探究竟,但從此他的設計與對於藝術美感的獨到見解開始吸引了我的注意。
Photo: Le Royal Monceau – Raffles Paris
Brach Paris was a postal sorting centre in the 1970s.
1970年代,Brach Paris為郵政局的郵件分類中心。

Brach Hotel is hidden away in a quiet lane, without any prominent signage or grand facade—so discreet, you might easily mistake it for a private club.
The warm, wooden tones and eclectic collection of artwork made the space feel like the home of an artist with a passion for collecting treasures from around the world.
Brach Hotel隱身於靜謐的小巷中,沒有醒目的招牌或華麗的外觀,低調得讓人很容易將它誤認為是一間私人俱樂部。走進大廳,映入眼簾的是溫暖的木質色調,搭配各式各樣的藝術品,彷彿置身於一位熱愛收藏各國藝術品的藝術家家中。

A 24-hour pool and jacuzzi, paired with the wellness area open till 11, is really thoughtful.
I was drawn to this hotel not only to experience Philippe Starck’s unique approach to boutique hotel design but also because of the extensive wellness facilities, open from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m., with the pool and jacuzzi available 24/7.
這次選擇入住Brach Paris,不僅是想體驗Philippe Starck對精品酒店的獨特設計,還有就是他們的Wellness Area營業時間非常彈性,從早上7點到晚上11點,泳池和按摩池更是全天候開放。這對於晚起晚回的我來說,回到飯店還能沒有時間壓力的使用Wellness Area是非常加分且體貼的服務。

Photo: Brach Paris
The pool at the wellness centre, though not particularly large, is spotless and impeccably maintained. Adjacent to it lies a cleverly designed Jacuzzi, equipped with massage jets at various heights. This thoughtful feature allows you to target specific areas of your body according to your needs. After a long day of walking, I returned to the hotel in the evening and fully embraced this ingenious design. I began with the jet positioned at waist height to relieve tension in my lower back, before moving to the lowest jet to soothe my calves. Each jet’s base also serves as a foot massager—a delightful and well-considered addition to the Jacuzzi’s design.
Wellness Centre的泳池雖然不大,但環境非常乾淨整潔。泳池旁邊的Jacuzzi設計十分貼心,配有不同高度的按摩出水口,讓我能根據當天的身體狀況選擇合適的位置,針對需要放鬆的部位進行按摩。第一天,因為走太多路了,晚上回到飯店,我先利用腰部高度的出水口舒緩下背部的疲勞,接著轉到最矮的出水口放鬆小腿。而且每個出水口的底部都有腳底按摩的出水口,這樣的設計實在令人驚喜又備感貼心。

The only downside I found was the rather inconvenient layout of the steam room and sauna. They’re located right in the middle of the gym, meaning you have to walk through the gym, past guests who are working out, to get to them. On the day I visited, I ended up walking into the gym in my swimsuit, still damp from the massage pool, which made the layout feel quite awkward. Additionally, the steam room had a noticeable smell of sweat, suggesting that maintenance and cleanliness could be improved.
Photo: Brach Paris

Walking into the room felt like stepping straight into Philippe Starck’s creative vision. The design struck a perfect balance between bold modernity and warm elegance.
The expansive floor-to-ceiling windows and a wall-sized mirror immediately caught my eye, unmistakably his signature style. Yet, the wooden flooring and warm-toned lighting softened the space beautifully, countering the coolness of the mirrored surfaces.
The bed, though, was the real highlight for me. I’ve always had a soft spot for bordered bed linens, but they’re usually black or silver in other hotels. At Brach Paris, the coffee-brown border with a subtle golden hue perfectly tied the room’s aesthetic together—comfort and style in perfect harmony.
一踏入房間、推開房門的瞬間,就像進入了 Philippe Starck 的異想世界。寬敞的落地窗、整面牆的大型鏡子,完美呈現了他一貫的設計風格。木質地板在暖色燈光的襯托下,散發出溫潤的質感,巧妙地中和了鏡面設計帶來的冷調氛圍。
尤其是那張床,讓我感覺這次的選擇真是太對了!我一直對帶框設計的床單情有獨鍾,過去入住的飯店多以黑色或銀色框邊為主。而 Brach Paris 的床單選用了咖啡色中帶點金色的暖色調,與整個房間的設計風格完美融合,毫無違和感,讓人倍感舒適。